
10:00 – 11:30am



placeholder iconThe Gospel Hall,
Atwell Close,
OX10 0LF

Becoming a Christian

We’re glad you’re here, looking for more information and we hold a weekly meeting that gives you the answer. Join us on Sunday night for approximately 45 minutes from 5.00pm and you will find the answer. At this meeting you will not be button-holed, asked for money, or pressurised in any way. If you cannot wait that long then here are some brief answers.

What is a Christian?

A christian is someone who is a follower, or disciple, of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Someone who has a relationship with God through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

Why become a Christian?

Our relationship with God, our creator, has been spolied by our sin, and our disobedience against God.

This is true globally, nationally and individually. This applies to everyone because we all fall short of God’s perfect standard. (Romans 3 v 23).

Sin has blighted our world, and we must all give account of this to God, when our life is ended. God must also punish our sins, according to His perfect, holy and righteous character.

The only way that our relationship with God can be restored through God’s son Jesus Christ.  (1 Tim 2 v 5).

This is because He voluntarily became a man, so that He could take the blame and punishment for our sins.

This happened when He died upon the Cross, at a place called Calvary, outside Jerusalem 2000 years ago.

How do I  become a Christian?

Not by attending a certain church, or adopting a certain creed. The Bible makes it clear that we become a Christian by simply believing in His Son.

This involves turning our back on our sin (repenting), and depending wholly on Him, as the only means to be saved.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
John 3 v 16 Read more of the Bible

I am Christian, but not sure what to do next?

The Bible teaches that the first thing that a new Christian should do is be baptised. They should also associate with other Christians by becoming a member of a church.

If you are unsure of anything, would like to know more or have questions you need answers to don’t hesitate to.



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